Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I got a response a week later! My husband was totally shocked. To tell you the truth, I couldn't believe it either. I told him, it was meant to be. This is the one the Lord picked out for us. She said she would meet us the in a couple of days, which happened to be Black Friday, after Thanksgiving, at 7pm in a Petfood parking lot. Clandestine meeting... I was hoping it wasn't an omen. In the meantime she had mentioned she had a female rat terrier, but I had already fallen in love with the cute little brown nosed Chi. Clearly he was the looker out of the bunch.
The pick up day/night came with much anticipation. We got there first, and it was dark and cold that night. We waited and then she pulled up and got out with my soon to be, little Chachi. I melted...I told my husband, he was the cutest dog I had ever seen in my entire life...and he was.  He was trying to climb up on the Chihuahua ladys head when she was carrying him. He was cold! The Chihuahua lady told me they were having a sale on little dog sweaters, to go in Target next door and get him one. We made the switch in the parking lot, with him trying to climb on my head and both parties were happy, happy, happy. I went in Target to get him his sweater, while the hubster babysat. Luckily I had brought a fleece blanket to wrap him in. When I got back in the car, I noticed there was an older couple next to our car that were really smiling and just looking over at us. The man motioned for me to roll down the window, which I did. He asked me where I had gotten that Chihuahua. He and the older lady both gushed over him, and then told me they had just lost one they had had for years. They gave us their blessings and told us they thought we would be good parents for him, and went on their way.
This is Chach the first night we brought him home. After we got home and inspected him, we realized he had two little light colored wings on his shoulder blades. Further proof he was a gift from angel pup.

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